''The Gaia's power does not come from the gods, but from the powers of nature, the earth, and their fighting spirit.''
''The Gaia are the third and final faction that maintains the fragile balance of the world of Rappelz. Experts in Natural Magic and raw power, they have, nonetheless good buffs, AOE spells and can deal direct damage.''
''The Gaia bend the elements of earth, air, fire and water to their will to enhance their armor and weapons. They also have the ability to manifest their fighting spirit into spiracles that can be used in battle.''
''They are the most powerful and have the best vitality among races. They are also a very cohesive society and are a potent force when bought together. They encompass all that is the spirit of the fighter. It is said that the birth of the Gaia is from ancient times when the Asura and Deva were one.''
Basic Job

First Job

Second Job

Master Class