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In Ominous we promote guild communication to keep members as informed and close as possible. Any player is welcome to join our Guild Discord, although only Ominous members will have full access to all the channels in the server. The Discord App is a great tool to chat and send files. It helps mimic the in-game guild chat and allows to set the guild ranks in it. It has multiple features, including optional voice chat channels. You can use it in your web browser or download the app for your pc or mobile device for less CPU usage than browser, or to have it more accessible. Please use as nickname your in-game nickname or main character's name. Please remember to stay active in Rappelz guild chat as much as possible. This App is not meant to replace in-game chat!

Register to Discord App first!


Join Ominous Guild Discord Now! Press Icon to accept Invite!


Download App Here!


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This Rappelz Guild site is not affiliated with, supported, sponsored or specifically approved by GALA Co. Ltd. or its affiliates.
This fansite may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of GALA Co. Ltd. or it's affiliates text and images. Please visit the  
Play2Bit  page for official information. 

The content of this site is made available under the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial - Share in the Same Terms 4.0 International.
Certain graphics are property of Ominous Guild and should not be  distributed without permission or credit.

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